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Sparky Trine's Project Support

Do you need to petition an institution to do what  you need to do, or to see justice or fairness prevail? Let Sparky journey to the Spirit of that institution to make sure your case heard on the level of the Institution's original, highest purpose, and to find out what underlying issues may need to be resolved. 


Do you need to work on a project, but things keep going wrong? Let Sparky journey to the Spirit of the Project, or Spirit of the Place or Institution, to find out what is going on in the energetic, emotional or imaginal realms that is getting in your way, or what underlying issues may first need to be resolved within yourself or your connection to others.


Is this the right choice? What would life be like in this new house, rather than that one? Let Sparky journey for you to find out what a future trajectory for different scenarios would look like.


For these, or similar inquiries, contact

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